ΛΕΥΚΑΝΤΙ - ΞΕΡΟΠΟΛΗ Ανασκαφικές εκθέσεις και δημοσιεύσεις από τους ανασκαφείς της θέσης 1967 1968 1969 1970 1972 M. Popham and E. Milburn, ‘The Late Helladic IIIC Pottery of Xeropolis (Lefkandi): A Summary’, BSA 66, pp. 333-336. 1979 1982 M. R. Popham, E. Touloupa, and L.H. Sackett, ‘The Hero of Lefkandi’ Antiquity 56:218, pp. 169-174. 1985 1987 1989 1991 J. H. Musgrave and M. Popham, ‘The Late Helladic IIIC Intramural Burials at Lefkandi, Euboea’, BSA 86, pp. 273-296. 1993 1994 1995 M. Popham, ‘An Engraved Near Eastern Bronze Bowl from Lefkandi’ OJA 14(1), pp. 103-107. E. Sapouna-Sakellaraki, ‘A Middle Helladic tomb complex at Xeropolis (Lefkandi)’, BSA 90, pp. 41-54. 1996 R. W. V. Catling, ‘A tenth century trade-mark from Lefkandi’ in D. Evely, I. S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur, Studies in the archaeology of Crete and Euboea presented to Mervyn Popham, BAR International Series 638, pp. 126-132. J. N. Coldstream, ‘Knossos and Lefkandi: the Attic Connections’ in D. Evely, I. S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur, Studies in the archaeology of Crete and Euboea presented to Mervyn Popham, BAR International Series 638, pp. 133-145. I. S. Lemos, ‘A Euboean Potter/Painter from Lefkandi’ in D. Evely, I. S. Lemos, and S. Sherratt (eds.), Minotaur and Centaur, Studies in the archaeology of Crete and Euboea presented to Mervyn Popham, BAR International Series 638, pp.122-125. 2001 2003 I. S. Lemos, ‘Euboea: Lefkandi-Xeropolis’ and ‘Lefkandi: Toumba’ in BSA Annual Report of Council 2002-03, pp. 30-3; 37-38. 2004 I. S. Lemos, ‘Lefkandi’ in J. Whitley, AR 2003-2004, pp. 39-40. 2005 I. S. Lemos, ‘Euboea: Lefkandi-Xeropolis’ and ‘Lefkandi: Toumba’ in BSA Annual Report of Council 2004-05, pp.30-34. I. S. Lemos, ‘Lefkandi’ in J. Whitley, AR 2004-2005, pp. 50-52. 2006 I. S. Lemos, ‘Lefkandi’ in J. Whitley, AR 2005-2006, pp. 62-63. I. S. Lemos, ‘Euboea: Lefkandi-Xeropolis’ and ‘Lefkandi: Toumba’ in BSA Annual Report of Council 2005-06, 34-35; 38. I. S. Lemos, ‘Athens and Lefkandi: a tale of two sites’ in I. S. Lemos & S. Deger-Jalkotzy (eds.), Ancient Greece. From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 505-530. I. S. Lemos, ‘A new figurine from Xeropolis at Lefkandi’ in Edward Herring, Irene Lemos, Fulvia Lo Schiavo, Lucia Vagnetti, Ruth Whitehouse & John Wilkins (eds.), Across Frontiers. Papers in honour of David Ridgway and Francesca R. Serra Ridgway, Accordia: London, pp.71-76. A. Livarda and G. Kotzamani, ‘Plant ore in ‘Dark Age’ Greece: Archaeobotanical evidence from Lefkandi, Euboea, literal sources and traditional knowledge combined’ in Proceedings of the IV th International Congress of Ethnobotany (ICEB 2005), 2006, 435-37 2007 I. S. Lemos, “...ἐπεὶ πόρε μύρια ἕδνα...” (Iliad 22,472): Homeric Reflections in Early Iron Age Elite Burials’ in E. Alram-Stern & G. Nightingale (eds.), Keimelion. Elitenbildung und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen Epoche, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Vienna, pp 275-84. George Nightingale, ‘Lefkandi. An Important Node in the International Exchange Network of Jewellery and Personal Adornment’, in I. Galanaki, H. Tomas, Y. Galanakis and R. Laffineur (Eds), Between the Aegean and Baltic Seas Prehistory across Borders, Aegaeum 27, 2007. 2008 I. S. Lemos, ‘Lefkandi in Euboea: amongst the Heroes of the Early Iron Age’ in Minerva, May/June 2008, 30-32. I. S. Lemos Lefkandi 2006 report in J. Whitley et al., Archaeological Reports for 2006-2007, 38-40. J. H. Kroll, Early Iron Age Balance Weights at Lefkandi, Euboea, OJA 27, 37-48 2009 I. S. Lemos, 'Lefkandi' in Archaeological Reports 2007-2008 (eds C. Morgan et al), pp.51-54. I. S. Lemos, 'Lefkandi auf Euböa. Licht in den dunklen Jahrhunderten' in Zeit der Helden. Die ‘dunklen Jahrhunderte’ Griechenlands 1200-700v. Chr, Karlsrure Badisches Landesmuseum, pp. 180-89.
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