The team:
Director: Irene S. Lemos
Field Sub-Director: Dr Doniert Evely (BSA and Oxford)
Trench Supervisors: Antonios Kotsonas (Edinburgh); Antonia Livieratou
(Edinburgh); Sara Strack (Edinburgh); George Bourogiannis (Athens); Anne
Kenzelmann (Lausanne)
Trench assistants: George Cotterell (Edinburgh); Sabine Giessler (Edinburgh);
Brian Marshall (Edinburgh); Alex Pantos (Edinburgh); Anton Bronner, (King’s
College, London)
Architect: Dr Alexandros Gounaris (B’ Ephoreia, Attica)
Surveyor: Theodore Hadjitheodorou (Ephoreia of Paleontology and Caves)
Archaeobotanical team: Alexandra Livarda and Georgia Kotzamani (Sheffield)
Soil specialist: Caitlin McFarland (Sterling)
Apotheke coordinator: Holly Parton (BSA)
Apotheke team: Marina Thomatos (Edinburgh); Lindsay Spencer (UCL)
Conservator: Kathy Hall (INSTAP, East Crete)
Preliminary Report of 2003
The 2003 excavation took place in the area located east of the old excavation.
Two areas were selected: the East Sector located in the area of Trial
Trench W (excavated in 1965) and the West Sector immediately to the east
of the fence of the plot where the ‘old excavation’ is located.
Conservation and protection of the site
of walls
The whole area which was excavated
in 2003 has been fenced.
Barriers were created on all uphill
and vulnerable sides around the trench edges to prevent water run-off;
upstanding walls and features were supported and rendered sympathetically;
and general infilling of all deeper spots was accompanied by the sheeting
and covering with earth of major walls and the like.
Conservation of the site after the end of the excavation |
A wall (xerolithia) was built across
the area where the dump soil of the excavation was accumulated to protect
the rest of the area from rainwater in the winter.
Steps were also taken to protect
the ‘deep “old” section’ and channels were dug
to direct rainwater outside the area.